This degree is staged in a subterranean vault. Its meetings are composed of 27 members. It features the number 9, and the drama involves an unwitting intruder's entrance into the vault. This degree teaches us not to make hasty judgments and emphasizes the importance of being properly Tyled (guarded).
All of the traits I just listed are also present in the first half of the Select Master Degree of Cryptic Masonry. Scottish Rite’s 6°, Intimate Secretary, is also very similar. It is possible that one of these degrees was a source of inspiration for the others, or perhaps they were originally the same degree and have drifted apart slowly owing to a long separation of time and distance.
The vault in this degree is called the "Mystic Chamber" and the degree itself was for a while conferred as a Side-Degree by the Scottish Rite, and was then known as the "Select Masons of the 27."
Unlike the Select Master Degree in Cryptic Rite, Grand Tilers of Solomon does not explicitly mention the Nine Arches (however, the number 9 does come up in other contexts), neither does it make any deliberate connections with the story of the Royal Arch Degree. It is my opinion that this degree was the source upon which was grafted the story of "the Deposit of the Word" in order to formulate the Select Master Degree and complete the circle of perfection in Ancient Craft Masonry.
Ann Romney will use her prime-time speech Coach Factory Outlet at the Republican National Convention to take some of the sheen off her husband’s glossy image and try to humanize Mr. Romney with Coach Factory Online the very real struggles he has faced with dogged determination and inevitable success.I read somewhere that Mitt Coach Factory Outlet and I have a ‘storybook marriage,’” she will say, according to speech excerpts released by the Romney campaign. Coach Outlet Well, in the storybooks I read, there were never long, long rainy winter afternoons in a house with five Coach Outlet Online boys screaming at once. And those storybooks never seemed to have chapters on M.S. or breast cancer.Many of the struggles Coach Factory Online her speech will discuss were not so much his, but hers and his father’s. Mrs. Romney has multiple sclerosis Gucci Belt and battled through breast cancer. The boot-strap section of the speech will belong to George Romney, Mitt’s father who, she will Louis Vuitton Belt remind viewers, never graduated from college, and instead became a carpenter and slogged his way to head a car company, Coach Factory Outlet then become governor of Michigan.At every turn in his life, this man I met at a Louis Vuitton Outlet high school dance, has helped lift up others,she will say. “He did it with the Olympics, when many wanted to give up. This Coach Factory Outlet is the man who will wake up every day with the determination to solve the problems that others say can’t be solved, to fix what others say is beyond repair. This is the man who will work Louis Vuitton Purse harder than anyone so that we can work a little less hard.
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